
The Shen Jun Yi played Taipu Si Qing - a downright villain not only framed the highly respected Dan Shouxin major general, also Jiuchiroulin, playing mind to seize the daughter lived a life of intrigue and debauchery.
However, impoverished background, he has to subject to his wife rich and powerful maiden. Second before are still coveted beauty, hands and feet, the next second wife twisted ears, meal swearword this had enjoyed and timid character, in stark contrast, coupled with the slightly exaggerated performance of Shen Junyi, Taipu Si the Qing Xiaorendezhi exasperating hateful side to head.
Play a magistrate Taipu Si Qing Xian beauty, because the director did not Hanka Taipu Si Qing and magistrate in the script beyond the spot to play. Taipu Si Qing to take liberties with the beauty, the magistrate could not curry favor with flattery. the whole process of convergence of natural and reasonable, so the crew thought they were in accordance with the script to play, even the dawn (microblogging) director can not help but laugh, and applauded again and again. Shen Jun Yi a wealth of experience and a solid skill, Taipu Si Qing villain portrayed to penetrating.
Shen Junyi said: Taipu Si Qing is a bad guy he is greedy, lusty, and henpecked. Think he is wise, but the smart cleverness, he is a polyhedron is a figure of a color

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