Die Sklavinnen / Swedish Nympho Slaves (1977)

Also known as DIE SKLAVINNEN, this Franco production was one of many produced by Erwin C. Dietrich, which would allow the director a larger than normal budget. The film centers around a father and his goon (Franco himself) who paid five-million dollars for the return of his kidnapped daughter. The daughter was never returned so they kidnap a whorehouse (Lina Romay) owner who might know where the missing girl is. I've always said that this era of Franco films are among my favorite as the bigger budgets allowed him better cinematography, great scores and some better than average stories and best of all were the beautiful tropic locations. This film here pretty much has all of that stuff with the expected amount of sleaze, sex and non-stop nudity from various beautiful women. I really found the story here to be a lot more entertaining than many of the director's films because I actually began to care about the mystery of what happened to the girl and I must admit that I really enjoyed Vitor Mendes in the role of the father. I found him to be pretty good in the role but so was Franco playing his typical type of character, which means he spends most of his time slapping around Romay. Speaking of Romay, she's as hot as ever and has no problem slipping into her role. Martine Stedil plays the kidnap girl and she's easy on the eyes as well. Eric Falk has a small role here as well. Walter Baumgartner did the nice music score and his brother Peter was in charge of the cinematography, which once again featured the trademark Franco zooms. I'm sure those who hate Franco will continue to do so but fans of pure sleaze should find plenty to enjoy here. With a running time of 75-minutes, the film goes by at a fast pace and it's trashy enough from start to finish to make it worth viewing.

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